Devon Handy Men - helping keep your home in great shape Devon Handy Men - helping keep your home in great shape

Join our Maintenance Club

   Sign Up

Fill the information requested below, specify your preferred date and time (this will be confirmed with you and if not possible, alternatives will be offered), click 'Sign Up', we will send you a payment link, which once paid you can start enjoying being a member of the Devon Handy Men Maintenance Club.

   Please complete the following:

Phone No.
Preferred Time
Preferred Date please note - this must be at least 1 week from today so as to confirm payment and booking time.
Payment Frequency
How shall we take payment?
Reset Sign Up

   Joining is easy...

Now you can sit back and relax. Not only will we maintain your property every month but you have just removed a worry about finding a reliable and professional solution to your property maintenance needs.

Click here to contact us or call 0800 998 7569, don't forget to mention that you want to join the Club.


The Devon Handy Men Maintenance Club provides you with the most cost effective way of maintaining your home and gives you the security of knowing that help for almost any home related work is only a phone call or email away - no more having to phone around and take a leap of faith as to whether the person you have contacted will do a good job or even turn up at all. We come every month at your chosen time and get on with whatever jobs you want doing. If you need more time simply give us a heads up the week before and we'll arrange it for you.

* monthly payments are via recurring credit / debit card charge or a standing order. Only customers who pre-pay for 10 months will receive the 2 months free cover.